Our facilitation team which consisted of Hemi, Chala, Destinee and Taimania travelled to several marae including Roma Marae, Puketawa Marae and Omanaia Marae. The programme was also hosted online to Taita Marae, Pukerata Marae and Waihara Marae with the help of Kaye Maree tuning in to facilitate from Japan!
The programme was delivered to a range of whānau from the kaumatua and kuia who are on the marae, right down to the rangatahi who are the up-and-coming generation. In our eyes, it was a massive success, and a highlight would have definitely been seeing the breakthrough moments for a whānau learning new skills.
Ngā mihi to all the whānau who participated, our facilitation team, Sophia and the team at MEA.